Add a New Document

Adding a new Document to FranchiseBase

To add a new document, go to the left-hand side menu click the drop-down menu next to Documents and select add a new document.


Next you need to select the category this document falls under, if it is not listed under the drop-down menu then you can create a new category in the box below.


In the next screen you will need to insert the file name, summary, description, the category will already be noted and you will select if it is a personal document. You check this field if it is a document for your use only and other users will not have visibility of this document. You can also check the limited access box where you can choose which user roles can view this document – this is only available if you have not selected this as a personal document. Then you can upload your document below in the file upload section, then click Add File(s).


Your document will then be located in the document section, if you click on your document title you can then add comments, edit, unpublish and delete from this screen.