The Dashboard for Administrators

Customising the Dashboard for your users

As far as customising the Dashboard for users goes, you have several options including custom announcements and choosing which manuals to display.

Customising the Announcement Message

The Announcement Message is displayed to all users upon login to the system, great for important information and updates.

Logged in as an administrator, follow the steps below to update your message:

  1. Ensure you're on the Dashboard by clicking 'Dashboard' from the left menu.
  2. Hover over the Announcements Box and Double Click in the main text area.
  3. The inline-editor will open, displaying common options such as bold text, lists etc.
  4. Edit the text as needed.
  5. When you're finished, click 'Save' in the bottom right corner.

The Announcement Message will now be updated for all users, and will be the first thing they see upon logging in to FranchiseBase.

Note that you can also update the Announcement message via the 'Franchise Details' panel, found under Settings > Franchise Details > Your Dashboard Message.

Choosing which Manuals are Displayed on the Dashboard

You can select the manuals you'd like to prioritise for users to see on the dashboard.